Play free online rummy games
All registered users of RummyRoyal can now upgrade free to the new version.
You can download the upgrade here:
* Online playing simplified: There is no need any more for complicated setup of your pc or modem
* The new ladder competition offers you a new challenge when you play online
* Sorting your hand yourself is now truely free; cards won't jump back to the left any more
* There are now more ways to keep your hand sorted automatically, including a grid lay-out
* Now you can pick up more cards at once with the right mouse button, so you won't have to access the keyboard any more
* Now you can double-click to end your turn
* If you are new to RummyRoyal, you can now play a tutorial game to learn the game and the software
I'd like to thank all beta testers for their bug reports and suggestions.
Have fun with the new free version of RoyalRummy!